Reader – ROTRONIC LOG-HC2 Universal Datalogger User Manual
Page 41

With the
Reader users can selectively transfer data records logged with the log-
ger to a PC . It does however free measurement records that have already been
read out for overwriting .
Transferring data records to a PC
• Complete the preparations (->24) aus .
• Start the
Reader (Reader symbol)
Once data transfer has started (Start) all data
records saved on the logger can be over-
written if required, even if the circular buffer is deac-
tivated in Setup .
• Begin data transfer with Start .
The options selected under
Settings > Reader (->26) influence the next steps:
• Under the option
Read selected records the following data entry dialog box
• Select the data records
to be transferred .
• Click
• Data records having
the same start time are
written together to
one file .
• With the option
Read selected records and save with “Save dialog as”
Settings > Reader (->26) the filenames and locations suggested by
Reader can be overwritten .
Once the data records have been saved on the PC a list of files created appears .
Serial number
Recording start time (HHMMSS)
Copy number
Filenames allocated by the