Bytes 5-8, Accelcalscore, Distributionerror – PNI FieldForce Trax User Manual
Page 58: Tilterror, Tiltrange, 4 factory calibration, Kfactorymagcoeff (frame id 29 d), Kfactorymagcoeffdone (frame id 30 d), Kfactoryaccelcoeff (frame id 36 d), Factory calibration
PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1016505 r06
TRAX User Manual
Page 54
methods. Note that it is possible to get acceptable scores for DistributionError
and TiltError and still have a rather high MagCalScore value. The most likely
reason for this is the TRAX is close to a source of local magnetic distortion that is
not fixed with respect to the device.
Bytes 5-8:
Reserved for PNI use.
Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of the accelerometer
calibration. An acceptable score is ≤1.
Indicates if the distribution of sample points is good, with an emphasis on the
heading distribution. The score should be 0. Significant clumping or a lack of
sample points in a particular section can result in a poor score.
Indicates if the TRAX experienced sufficient tilt during the calibration, taking
into account the calibration method. The score should be 0.
This reports the larger of either half the full pitch range or half the full roll range
of sample points. For example, if the device is pitched +10° to -20º, and rolled
+25º to -15º, the TiltRange value would be 20º (as derived from [+25º -
{-15º}]/2). For Full-Range Calibration and Hard-Iron-Only Calibration, this
should be ≥45°. For 2D Calibration, ideally this should be ≈2°. For Limited-Tilt
Calibration the value should be as large a possible given the user’s constraints.
Factory Calibration
kFactoryMagCoeff (frame ID 29
This frame clears the magnetometer calibration coefficients and loads the original
factory-generated coefficients. The frame has no payload. This frame must be
followed by the kSave frame to save the change in non-volatile memory.
kFactoryMagCoeffDone (frame ID 30
This frame is the response to kFactoryMagCoeff frame. The frame has no payload.
kFactoryAccelCoeff (frame ID 36
This frame clears the accelerometer calibration coefficients and loads the original
factory-generated coefficients. The frame has no payload. This frame must be
followed by the kSave frame to save the change in non-volatile memory.