Dwyer 2600 User Manual
Page 4

* Note: Switched15 VDC output standard on Output 1 or Output 3.
Option Description
924 Analog Remote Set Point, 0 to 10 VDC, scalable.
926 Analog Remote Set Point, 0 to 20 mADC, scalable (may be programmed for 1 to
5mA, 4 to 20 mA, etc.).
928 Analog Remote Set Point, 0 to 10,000 ohms, scalable.
934 Analog Retransmission of Process Variable or Set Variable, 0 to 20 mAdc, scalable
(may be programmed for 1 to 5mA, 4 to 20 mA, etc.).
936 Analog Retransmission of Process Variable or Set Variable, 0 to 10 VDC, scalable.
948 4-Stage Set Point. One of four pre-set set point values can be implemented via
contact closure.
992 RS-485 Serial Communications, Lovelink™ protocol.
993 RS-232 Serial Communications, Lovelink™ protocol.
995 RS-232 Serial Communications, Modbus
996 RS-485 Serial Communications, Modbus
Lovelink™, Lovelink™II, and Mother Node™ are Trademarks of Love Controls.
is a trademark of Schneider Automation.
May, 2013
Page 4 of 52
949-1194 Rev. 7
0 = No
1 = Yes
Output A
1 = SSR*
3 = Relay*
5 = Current
Output B
0 = None
1 = SSR*
3 = Relay*
5 = Current
Options (blank if none)