Dwyer 2600 User Manual
Page 30

May, 2013
Page 30 of 52
949-1194 Rev. 7
I n P C
Input Correction: Select - 5 0 0 to 0 to 5 0 0 °F, °C, or counts. This feature allows
the input value to be changed to agree with an external reference or to
compensate for sensor error. Note: I n P C is reset to zero when the input type is
changed, or when decimal position is changed. Factory default is 0 .
F i L t
Digital Filter: Select O F F , 1 to 9 9 . In some cases the time constant of the sensor,
or noise, could cause the display to jump enough to be unreadable. A setting of 2
is usually sufficient filtering (2 represents approximately a 1 second time
constant). When the 0.1 degree resolution is selected this should be increased to
4. If this value is set too high, controllability will suffer.
L P b r
Loop Break Protection: Select O F F , 1 to 9 9 9 9 seconds. If, during operation, the
output is minimum (0%) or maximum (100%), and the input moves less than 5°F
(3°C) or 5 counts over the time set for L P b r , the L O O P b A d message will appear.
This condition can also be routed to an Alarm Condition if alarms are present and
turned On (see A L b r in the Secure Menu). The loop break error can be reset by
pressing the ENTER key when at the L P b r menu item. The INDEX
& ENTER keys may also be used.
(Option 934, 936, Analog Retransmission Output) Process Output Low: Select -
450°F, -260°C, or -1999 counts to any value less than P O H .
(Option 934, 936, Analog Retransmission Output) Process Output High: Select
from any value greater than P O L to +9999°F, +5530°C, or 9999 counts.
P O S r
(Option 934, 936, Analog Retransmission Output) Process Output Source: Select
I n P or S P t .
I n P
Output follows the Process Variable (input).
S P t
Output follows the Set Variable.
r S P t
(Option 924, 926, 928, Analog Remote Set Point) Remote Set Point: Select O n
or O F F .
The control uses the value set for S P 1 .
O n
The control uses the value set by the analog remote set point signal as
established by the Secure Menu items r S C L and r S C H . If the analog
signal fails, the control will display the error message C H E C r S P t and
revert to the S P 1 local value.