Dwyer SCZ10 User Manual

Version 1.0 - Feb,2003
To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, please ensure the operator using it
receives this manual.
This instrument should be used according to the specifications described in this manual.
If it is not used according to the specifications, it may malfunction or breakdown.
Be sure to follow the warnings, cautions and notices. If not, serious injury or accidents may occur.
The specifications of the SCZ10 and the contents of this instruction manual are subject to change
without notice.
Care has been taken to assure that the contents of this instruction manual are correct, but if there are
any doubts, mistakes or questions, please inform our sales department.
• Be sure to check that the power is turned off when cleaning this instrument.
• Use a soft and dry cloth when cleaning the instrument.
(If paint thinner is used, it might deform or tarnish the unit.)
• As the display section is vulnerable, do not strike or scratch it with a hard object.
Any unauthorized transfer or copying of this document, in part or in whole, is prohibited.
Love Controls is not liable for any damages or secondary damages incurred as a result of
using this product, including any indirect damages.
1. Model Identification
1.1 Model name
1.2 Model name label
Model name label is on the right side of the case and the bottom of the inner assembly.
In the case of Heater burnout alarm output, CT rated current value is written in the bracket ( ).
Model name ----------------------------------
Option ------------------------------------------
Option ------------------------------------------
Instrument No. (Inner assembly only)--
Relay contact output/ Multi-range input
Heater burnout alarm output
1 = Relay
2 = Switched Voltage
3 = Current (4~20mA)
0 = Line (120~240 VAC/VDC)
1 = Low (24VAC/VDC
RS-485 Communications*
0 = No
1 = Modbus® RTU
S C Z 1 0
Heater Burnout Alarm**
0 = No
1 = Yes
*** Max. Current
00 = NA
05 = 5 Amps
10 = 10 Amps
20 = 20 Amps
50 = Amps
* The RS-485 and Heater Burnout Alarm options are mutually exclusive.
** The Current Alarm is only available for outputs 1 and 2.
Instruction Manual for DIN Rail mounting type indicating
controller SCZ10