Dwyer 2600 User Manual
Page 15

May, 2013
Page 15 of 52
949-1194 Rev. 7
The home display is the normal display while the control is operating. If no errors or
functions are active, the HOME display will indicate the Process Variable (the
temperature, pressure, flow, RH, etc., that is being measured) on the top display and the
Set Variable (Set Point 1) on the bottom.
Items that can change the HOME display are the Auto/Manual function, the Run/Hold
function, the P r o 9 function, the P c t O function, and any error message. Description of
these special displays follows.
If the Auto/Manual key is pressed, the Manual indicator lights, the “%” indicator lights,
and the home display is changed. The upper display continues to show the Process
Variable (PV), but the lower display changes to show the percentage of output in tenths of
a percent to 99.9% (0.0 to 99.9), or 100 if 100%. The display digit to the right of the
number shows a flashing letter o to indicate that the value displayed is no longer the SV,
but percent output. The S P 2 percent output is indicated by the use of an overline on the
letter õ. Access to the S P 2 value is made by the INDEX key. See Auto/Manual
Operation on Page 17 for further information.
If P r o 9 is turned O n , the HOME display changes the SV display from S P 1 to the Present
Set Variable as calculated by the Ramp/Soak Programmer function. See Programming
and Operation for Ramp/Soak Feature below for more information.
If P c t O (Secondary Menu) is turned O n , the lower display changes to show the active
percentage of output as required to maintain S P 1 . The display is similar to the Auto/Manual
display above, except that the percent indicators (o ,õ ) do not flash, and the output is
displayed in whole percentages of output, not in tenths of a percent. If the control has both
S P 1 and S P 2 , the lower display will alternate between the S P 1 percent output and the S P 2
percent output.
Error messages are listed on pages 41-43.
The ramp / soak feature offers a great deal of flexibility by allowing changes in the set
point to be made over a predetermined period of time. Dwell times can be programmed,
and the alarm output relay can be programmed to open or close during any of the
Theory of Operation
The 2600 Series controls offer a very simple approach to programming a ramp. Rather
than requiring the operator to calculate an approach rate (usually in degrees per minute),
the 2600 does the calculation internally. Thus, the operator only needs to program the
target set point and the time desired to reach that point. When the ramp segment is
executed by the control, it calculates the ramp required to move the process from the
starting value (current PV) to the desired value (programmed SP) in the time allowed.