Dwyer 2600 User Manual
Page 26

May, 2013
Page 26 of 52
949-1194 Rev. 7
# P u L
Pulsed Time Proportioning Output: Select 1 P u L to 7 P u L . 1 P u L =
Linear and 7 P u L = most nonlinear. Changes output linearity for
use in cooling applications or for extremely fast response
processes. At the center of the proportional band, a pulse value
of 1 provides an output of one second on and one second off
(50% output). A pulse value of 2 provides an output of one
second on and two seconds off (33% output). Output at center
of band equals one second on, 2
(pulse value-1)
seconds off.
P r o P
For Current (Code 5) outputs only.
(Option 948, 4-Stage Set Point) Active Set Point Stage. Select 1 S P 1 , 2 S P 1 , 3 S P 1 ,
4 S P 1 . (See Page 21 for more detail.)
1 S P 1
Set Menu Items to display Stage 1 for view and change access. If S P S A
is set for I n t , 1 S P 1 is made active.
2 S P 1
Set Menu Items to display Stage 2 for view and change access. If S P S A
is set for Int, 2 S P 1 is made active.
3 S P 1
Set Menu Items to display Stage 3 for view and change access. If S P S A
is set for Int, 3 S P 1 is made active.
4 S P 1
Set Menu Items to display Stage 4 for view and change access. If S P S A
is set for I n t , 4 S P 1 is made active.
# S P 1
(Option 948, 4-Stage Set Point) Adjust Control Point 1 for Stage selected above.
Note: The menu items for t u n E (below) are modified when Option 948 is active. Then, the
menu items are shortened or shifted right, and preceded with the stage number selected
in S P above. Each stage has its own set of t u n E parameters as indicated by # t u n .
# t u n (Option 948, 4-Stage Set Point) or
t u n E
Tuning Choice: Select S E L F , P i d , S L O , n o r , or F A S t .
The Controller will evaluate the Process and select the PID values to
maintain good control. Active for SP1 only.
L E r n
Select Y E S or n o
Start Learning the Process. After the process has
been learned the menu item will revert to n o .
n o
Learning will stay in present mode.