Badger Meter Fluid Management System User Manual

Page 50

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The default view shows all work orders that

have been completed on that day . If you have a

work order completed you will see it listed in the

screen to the left:

The columns across the top show:

the work order ID number assigned,

date and time the fluid was dispensed,

the quantity of fluid actually dispensed,

the quantity that was preset on the work order,

the user who dispensed the fluid,

the type of fluid dispensed,

the hose the fluid was dispensed from,

the status of the work order, and

whether the work order has been reviewed .

Reviewing a Work Order

To mark a work order as reviewed, check the box below Reviewed and press ENTER .

Locating a Work Order

To locate a work order, you may search by user, work order ID, hose ID, fluid type, or date range .
To search, enter your criteria in the appropriate text boxes and click NEW SEARCH . To clear the search criteria, click RESET .

Changing the Unit of Measure

At the bottom of the screen, there are total fluid numbers and records counts . This will sum the total amount of fluid that has

been dispensed for the records currently appearing on the search . You may change the unit that the fluid is summed in by

selecting the drop-down menu next to Unit and choosing from Liters, Gallons, Pints, and Quarts .

Fluid Managment System, FMS-3 2.4 GHz RF High-End Software v3.4.1

Page 50

July 2014