B.29 [source:]list:query command, B.30 [source:]list:query? query, B.31 [source:]list:voltage command – KEPCO BHK-MG 200W (Full Rack) Series User Manual

Page 137: B.32 [source:]list:voltage? query, B.33 [source:]list:voltage:points? query, B.29, Source, B.30, Sourc, B.31

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BHK-MG (OPR) 022014


Description:Identifies the number of locations for which time values have been entered and the next loca-

tion to be filled by a LIST:DWEL command. If LIST:DWEL:POIN? returns 6, dwell times have been
entered for locations 0 through 5 and location 6 is the next to be filled by a LIST:DWEL command.
LIST:DWEL, LIST:DWEL:POIN. (See example, Figure B-3.)




Short Form: LIST:QUER n

Long Form: LIST:QUERy n

n = int_value = 0 to 250

Description: Determines first location to be queried by LIST:VOLT?, LIST:CURR?, and LIST:DWEL? queries.

Note that n = 0 points to location 0, otherwise n points to location (n-1). Related Commands:
LIST:QUER?, LIST:VOLT?, LIST:CURR?, LIST:DWEL?. (See example, Figure B-3.)




Short Form: LIST:SEQ?

Long Form: LIST:SEQuence?

Return Value: n (n = )

Description: Identifies first location to be queried by LIST:VOLT?, LIST:CURR?, LIST:DWEL? queries. Note

that n = 0 points to location 0, otherwise n points to location (n-1). Related Commands: LIST:QUER,
LIST:VOLT?, LIST:CURR?, LIST:DWEL?. (See example, Figure B-3.)



Short Form: LIST:VOLT[:LEV] , , . . . (to max of 250 data points)

Long Form: LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel] , , . . . (to max of 250 data points)
= digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1

Description: Adds the voltage value (in Volts) to list. This command sequentially adds LIST:VOLTage values to

the main channel List Data Table locations. LIST:CLE sets starting location to 0. Next location indi-
cated by LIST:VOLT:POIN? The maximum number of entries is 250. Since the input buffer of the BHK
has a limit of 253 characters, multiple commands are necessary to complete the full 250 entries of the
list. If LIST:VOLT is entered for only location 0, that voltage will apply to all steps when CURR:MODE
LIST is executed. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT:POIN?, LIST:CLE, *RST. (See example, Figure B-




Short Form: LIST:VOLT?

Long Form: LIST:VOLTage?

Return Value: , , . . . to

Description: Identifies the parameters (main channel) entered for the list. Starting at location established by

LIST:QUERy, returns comma-separated list of up to 16 values indicating the main channel parameters
entered. i.e., the contents of the main channel List Data Table. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT,
LIST:QUERy. (See example, Figure B-3.)




Short Form: LIST:VOLT:POIN? Long Form: LIST:VOLTage:POINts?
Return Value: (0 to 250)

Description: Identifies the total number of points in a list and the next location to be filled by LIST:VOLT

command. The LIST:VOLT pointer is initially at 0 via *RST or LIST:CLE. For each data point entered
by a LIST:VOLT command the list pointer is incremented If LIST:VOLT:POIN? returns 5, the
LIST:VOLT pointer is at 5 indicating there are 5 data points comprising the list (locations 0 though 4)
and location 5 is the next to be filled. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT. (See example, Figure B-3.)