Jenway 3540 User Manual
Page 59

The prompts in the preceding display request the first point of a three point calibration
(1 / 3) indicating that the current buffer is 7.015 at 21.6
C. The following display
shows how this varies if a 4pH buffer is used as the first calibration point.
pH calibration screen showing 4pH as the first of three calibration points
When the endpoint icon is displayed a further press of the CAL key will confirm the
calibration and set the display to the temperature-corrected value for that buffer. An
information box is momentarily displayed with the offset data that will be stored in the
statistics screen. (If a one-point calibration has been selected then the main
measurement screen is returned at this point)
The display now changes to request the second buffer (2 / 3), rinse the electrode with
de-ionised water and blot up any excess with clean, soft tissue, before immersing the
electrode in the next buffer. While the electrode is not transferred a warning triangle
will be displayed in the icon bar.
Warning triangle indicates pH electrode is still in the first buffer and disappears when moving to the second buffer
When the endpoint icon is displayed a further press of the CAL key will confirm the
calibration and set the display to the temperature-corrected value for that buffer.
Information box showing slope and offset values after a successful two-point calibration
An information box is momentarily displayed with the slope and offset data that will be
stored in the statistics screen. (If a two-point calibration has been selected then the
main measurement screen is returned at this point)