Channel definitions: background – In-Situ Win-Situ 2000 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 27
0024690 rev. 002 09/00
Calibration Coefficients
Enter the Linearity, Scale, and Offset.
• In-Situ pressure transducers display this information on the probe’s
data tag, and in accompanying calibration documents.
• For a User-Defined type, enter the range as the Scale, and zero for
Linearity and Offset (unless you know them).
• If a coefficient is negative (e.g., Offset), be sure to enter a minus
A default name is supplied, but you can enter a more descriptive name
to appear in the navigation tree and in the test data files—for example,
the probe’s model or serial number.
This completes the channel setup.
The data logger stores one definition for each channel and uses it in
any tests that include the channel. If you edit channel settings before a
test runs, the new definition will be used in the test. If you edit a
channel after a test has run, no changes will be made to the channel
definition used in the test.
The data logger stores data in a binary format independent of your
channel settings. After collecting and extracting data, you can choose
to display data (and optionally create text files) using these settings, or
you can change any of these settings at that time. Making changes
later affects only the displayed data or created text files, but it will not
change your original binary data file, unless you want it to. The result is
a high degree of flexibility with no danger of changing—and thus
possibly compromising—the original data.
TIP: When editing a pressure channel, the wizard presents
additional options. Refer to Section 5 for details.