GW Instek GDS-800 Series Programming Manual User Manual
Page 9

GDS-806/810/820/840 Programming Manual
The following example uses ibdev to open a device, assigns it to access board
gpib0, chooses a primary address of 7 with no secondary address, sets a timeout of
10 seconds, enables the END message, and disables the EOS mode.
enter board index: 0
enter primary address: 7
enter secondary address: 0
enter timeout: 13
enter ‘EOI on last byte’ flag: 1
enter end-of-string mode/byte: 0
Note: If you type a command and no parameters, Interactive Control prompts you
for the necessary arguments. If you already know the required arguments, you can
type them at the command prompt, as follows:
:ibdev 0 7 0 13 1 0
Note: If you do not know the primary and secondary address of your GPIB
instrument, right-click on your GPIB interface in Measurement & Automation
Explorer and select Scan for Instruments. After Explorer scans your interface, it
displays your instrument address in the right window panel.
After you successfully complete ibdev, you have a ud prompt. The new
prompt, ud0, represents a device-level handle that you can use for further NI-488.2
calls. To clear the device, use ibclr, as follows:
ud0: ibclr
[0100] (cmpl)