GW Instek SFG-830 User Manual User Manual

Page 25

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p. 22 SFG-830

6.15 Syntax and Commands:

This section provides an overview of the commands for the SFG-830
Synthesized Function Generator.

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is a standard
created by an international consortium of the major manufacturers of test and
measurement equipment. SCPI uses IEEE488.2 syntax to provide common
commands for the identical functions of various programmable instruments.

The goal of SCPI is to reduce Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) program
development time. SCPI provides a consistent programming environment for
instrument control and data usage. This consistent programming environment is
achieved by the use of defined program messages, instrument responses, and
data formats across all SCPI instruments, regardless of manufacturer.

Syntax : SYSTem:ERRor?

The above command is used to check if the instrument is working correctly after
the GPIB command has been sent out. SFG-830 provides error messages
including command error, execution error, device-specific error, and query error.
A error message contains an integer, denoting an error number, and associated
descriptive text, e.g., (0, No error), (-100, Command error), etc. The four
categories of error messages are listed below.

) Command Error

An error number in the range [-199, -100] indicates that an IEEE488.2 syntax
error has been detected by the instrument’s parser. The occurrence of any
error in this class shall cause the command error bit (bit5) in the event status
register to be set.

Error Number

Error Description


Command error


Syntax error


Invalid separator


Data type error


parameters not allowed


Missing parameter


Undefined header


Invalid character in number


Exponent too large


Too many digits


Block data error


Invalid block data


Block data not allowed


Invalid expression