Checking for a “fixed” position solution – Spectra Precision FAST Survey User Manual

Page 41

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Checking For a “Fixed” Position Solution

After the data link has been established, the rover starts
acquiring corrections data from the selected source. Note
that some rover models will automatically recognize the
format of the received data (ATOM, RTCM2.3, RTCM 3, CMR,
CMR+, DBEN). Do the following before starting your survey:

• In the

Equip menu, tap on the Monitor/Skyplot button

• Read the different parameters displayed on the screen.

You should see the HRMS and VRMS rapidly decrease
from a few meters to less than 10 to 20 mm, while the
position status switches from “AUTO” to “FLOAT” and
finally “FIXED”.

Other screens are available from within the


function showing the details of the constellation, of the
base position and of the RTK position solution: