Rtk tab – Spectra Precision FAST Survey User Manual
Page 21
Send file after config: You may have a number of additional
commands executed (proprietary commands of the
“$PASH” type) when later you tap on
to configure the
receiver. These commands must have been saved to a text
file, for example to a file created using
Equip > GPS Utility
Send command. To select the file you want the receiver to
execute when being configured, tap on the blue button
and highlight the corresponding file name.
NMEA Output Port: You may ask the base to output one or
more NMEA messages (GGA, GLL, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA,
ZDA, GST: see screen example) on the specified output
port. Once you have defined the
output port (common to
all NMEA messages), tap on the
Configure button and
then, for each desired NMEA
message, select its output
rate (in Hertz or seconds).
Use QZSS: Enables/disables the use of the QZSS (Quasi-
Zenith Satellite System) constellation covering Japan and
the Far East.
Use GPS: Enables/disables the use of the GPS
constellation (enabled by default).
Source Datum: If GPS is used, this is a read-only field
providing the name of the datum (i.e. “W84”) on which
position solutions are computed. If GLONASS is used and
GPS is not used, you have the choice of which datum to
use: either “W84” (GPS datum) or “PZ90.02” (GLONASS
Virtual Antenna: This option is disabled by default.
Enabling the virtual antenna, which is defined as the
generic “ADVNULLANTENNA” GNSS antenna, allows all
collected data to be decorrelated from the GNSS antenna
actually used at signal reception level. This may be useful
if you wish to post-process the raw data collected with a
rover from another manufacturer with the raw data
collected with this base.
Use this tab to define:
1. The type of device (“
Device”) the GNSS receiver will use
to forward its corrections to users.
2. Possibly the network (“
Network”) the base will rely upon to
deliver its corrections to users.
3. The type of corrections (“
Message Type”) the GNSS
receiver will generate.
4. Optionally the Repeater mode for ProMark/ProFlex 800
receivers (Off or On).