Engl ish – Spectra Precision FAST Survey User Manual
Page 25
1. Setting the chosen device (tap on
next to
NOTE: With EPOCH 50 configured to use the data
collector modem to send out corrections (2nd and 3rd
rows in the above table), the
RTK tab asks you to define
the connection through which the EPOCH 50 sends out its
corrections. This is done by setting the
Port field:
• Choose “Data” to have corrections flowing via
Bluetooth. That means both autonomous position
results and corrections will flow through the same
Bluetooth connection.
• Choose “COM 2” if you are using a cable between the
EPOCH 50 and the data collector. In that case the port
Your Choice
for “Device”
GNSS receiver
Device Settings Required
“Internal GSM”
ProMark 800
ProFlex 800
• Power Management (Manual or Auto)
• Band (850/1
900, 900/1800 or 900/
• Provider (Cingular, T-Mobile, MoviStar,
User, Other). For the last two options,
define APN Server, APN User Name &
APN Password.
• Pin (pin code)
• Dial Mode (Analog or Digital)
• Auto-Dial (ON or OFF)
• 2G/3G mode (Auto or 2G only)
“Data Collec-
tor Internet”
ProMark 800
ProFlex 800
• Select ISP from list (a modem connec-
tion previously created with Windows
Mobile’s Connections utility).
(Disconnect button also available)
• For EPOCH 50 only, select the internal
data collector port through which cor-
rections are forwarded to the data col-
lector modem)
“Data Collec-
tor Phone”
None, except for EPOCH 50 for which you
have to select the internal data collector
port through which corrections are for-
warded to the data collector modem
ProMark 220
Auto-Dial, On or Off. With this option
enabled, the connection to the last mount
point used (NTRIP), or to the last IP
address used (TCP/IP Network) will be
automatically re-established after a power
cycle. This option is irrelevant to a Direct-
Dial connection and so should be kept dis-
abled in that case.
“GSM Modem” EPOCH 50
Dial Mode (Analog/Digital)