2 calibration procedures, 1 calibration setting, Default values -9 – Yokogawa Single Channel Oxygen Analyzer System ZR22/ZR402 User Manual

Page 142: Calibration -10, Caution

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IM 11M12A01-03E



Calibration Procedures


Calibration should be made under normal operating conditions (if the probe is connected
to a furnace, the analyzer will undergo calibration under the operating conditions of the
furnace). To make a precise calibration, conduct both zero-point and span calibrations.


Calibration Setting

The following sets forth the required calibration settings: Mode

There are three calibration modes available:
(1) Manual calibration which allows zero and span calibrations or either one manually in


(2) Semi-automatic calibration which lets calibration start with the touchpanel or a

contact input, and undergoes a series of calibration operations following preset
calibration periods and stabilization time; and

(3) Automatic calibration which is carried out automatically following preset calibration


Calibrations are limited by the following mode selection:
• When manual calibration is selected:
Manual calibration only can be conducted. (This mode does not allow semi-automatic

calibration with a contact input nor automatic calibration even when its start-up time
has reached.)

• When semi-automatic calibration is selected:
This mode enables manual and semi-automatic calibrations to be conducted. (The mode,

however, does not allow automatic calibration even when its start-up time has

• When automatic calibration is selected:
This calibration can be conducted in any mode.
To execute this calibration, follow these steps:
(1) Select the Setup key from the basic panel display to display the Execution/Setup

display. Then select Maintenance from the Execution/Setup display.

(2) Select Calibration setup from the Maintenance display. Then select Mode from the

Calibration setup display (see Figure 9.4).

Now you can select manual, semi-automatic, or automatic calibration.