2setting periods which average, Setting passwords -23 – Yokogawa Single Channel Oxygen Analyzer System ZR22/ZR402 User Manual

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IM 11M12A01-03E


8. Detailed Data Setting


Setting Periods over which Average Values Are Calculated and Periods over
which Maximum and Minimum Values Are Monitored

The equipment enables the display of oxygen concentration average values and maxi-
mum and minimum values under measurement (see Section 10.1.1, later in this manual).
The following section describes how to set the periods over which oxygen concentration
average values are calculated and maximum and minimum values are monitored.

(1) Press the Setup key in the Basic panel display to display the Execution/Setup


(2) Select Setup in the Execution/Setup display to display the Commissioning” (Setup)


(3) Select Others in that display and then select Averaging in the Others display. The

averaging display shown in Figure 8.15 then appears.

(4) Choose “Set period over which average is calculated” and enter the desired numeric

value from the numeric-data entry display. To enter three hours, type in 003. The
period over which average values can be calculated ranges from 1 to 255 hours.

(5) Choose “Set period over which maximum and minimum is stored” and enter the

desired numeric value from the numeric-data entry display. To enter 48 hours, type
in 048. The allowable input ranges from 1 to 255 hours. Values

When the analyzer is delivered, or if data are initialized, the average-value calculation
periods and maximum- and minimum-value monitoring periods are by default one hour
and 24 hours respectively.

Set period over which

average is calculated:

1 h

Set period over which

maximum and minimum is
stored: 2 4 h




Figure 8.17 Setting Average-Value Calculation Periods and Maximum- and

Minimum-Value Monitoring Periods