Basic operation – Yokogawa In-Situ Gas Analyzer TDLS200 User Manual
Page 63

IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
he BASIC DATA MENU allows the user to select:
ALARM HISTORY – displays the last 17 alarms and faults
with brief description, date and time
CALIBRATION HISTORY - displays the last 17 calibration
events with adjustment amount, date and time
The TREND SCREEN is identical for BASIC or ADVANCED
MENUS. It allows the user to trend up to the last 750
minutes (of current day) of data for:
The trend will NOT update automatically, use
the refresh button to update the trend
CONC. – analyzer reading of gas concentration (shown here
as O2, or whatever Gas 1 is configured)
STDEV1 – the standard deviation of 25 consecutive
concentration readings (for gas concentration 1)
Gas2. – analyzer reading of gas 2 concentration
STDEV2 – the standard deviation of 25 consecutive
concentration readings (for gas concentration 2)
TRANS. – transmission % of laser light through the process
LTS – analyzer laser temperature set point
LT – analyzer laser temperature
PCP – peak center position for the absorption peak
TEMP – process gas temperature
PRES – process gas pressure
Alongside the selection buttons the current value is
When selecting the information to trend user will be
prompted to enter minimum value, maximum value and time
to trend.