Data files and format – Yokogawa In-Situ Gas Analyzer TDLS200 User Manual

Page 137

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IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00

<10. Data Files anD Format>



Alarms History
A historical log of analyzer

Alarm History - in the form of ASCII data files that can
be opened with Microsoft “Notepad” as simple .txt file
formats. The content can then be copied and pasted into
Microsoft Excel spread. Each Alarm incident is logged
with the date (MM-DDYYYY) and time that it occurred, the
(Warning or Fault or User Alarm), the specific condition
within the Mode (e.g. Detector Signal Lost) and the state
(ON or OFF).
10-10-2007 13:21:36 Fault(peak center out of range) OFF
10-10-2007 19:00:25 Warning(detector signal low) ON



Alarms History Back-Up
A back-up of the historical
log of
analyzer alarm events

larm History Back-up - When the alarms.his file exceeds
100KB size the contents is saved to this .bak file and the
.his file is emptied. This .bak file is in the form of ASCII
data files that can be opened with Microsoft “Notepad” as
simple .txt file formats. The content can then be copied
and pasted into Microsoft Excel spread. Each Alarm inci-
dent is logged with the date (MM-DD-YYYY) and time that
it occurred, the Mode (Warning or Fault or User Alarm), the
specific condition within
the Mode (e.g. Detector Signal Lost) and the state (ON or


10-10-2007 13:21:36 Fault(peak center out of range) OFF
10-10-2007 19:00:25 Warning(detector signal low) ON



Calibration History
A historical log of analyzer

Calibration History - in the form of ASCII data files that
can be opened with Microsoft “Notepad” as simple .txt file
formats. The content can then be copied and pasted into
Microsoft Excel spread. Each Calibration and/or Validation
event is logged with the date (MM-DD-YYYY) and time
that it
occurred, the Mode (Calibration or Validation), the specific
type (Transmission Calibration, Zero Calibration, etc.) and
the ‘K’ (constant) factor used for the event
11-14-2007 14:11:19 span_calibrate 612814.89
9250.84 152665.88
11-14-2007 14:50:16 transmission_cal 14.95



Calibration History
A back-up of historical log
of analyzer calibrations

Calibration History - When the calibr.his file exceeds
100KB size the contents is saved to this .bak file and the
.his file is emptied. This .bak file is in the form of ASCII
data files that can be opened with Microsoft “Notepad” as
simple .txt file
formats. The content can then be copied and pasted into
Microsoft Excel spread. Each Calibration and/or Validation
event is logged with the date (MM-DD-YYYY) and time
that it occurred, the Mode (Calibration or Validation), the
type (Transmission Calibration, Zero Calibration, etc.) and
the ‘K’ (constant) factor used for the event

11-14-2007 14:11:19 span_calibrate 612814.89
9250.84 152665.88
11-14-2007 14:50:16 transmission_cal 14.95