Maintenance – Yokogawa digitalYEWFLO (DY) User Manual
Page 65

IM 1F2B4-01-YIA
Page 69
4.1.11 Setting up user defined flow units
It is possible that the flow units required for a particular application may not be available as standard flow
units. Therefore, YEWFLO offers the flexibility of setting custom user units for any application.
BT200 handheld terminal
BT100 handheld terminal
B :SET 1
B35 :Flow unit
B50 :Time Unit
Scroll to the B: SET 1 menu and press the
ENTER key. Select a standard flow
unit for parameters B15, B22, B29, or B35
and select a standard time base for
parameter B50 from the available list.
Make your selection from the list by
scrolling to it and pressing ENTER
Using the m e
nu key move to the
B: SET 1 menu. Using the PRMTR key,
select parameters B15, B22, B29, or B35.
Then using the INC or DEC key,
select a standard unit. Use the PRMTR
key to select parameter B50 and INC or
DEC to select a standard time base.
Only one of the above flow unit parameters will be available depending on whether
your application is for Gas, Liquid, Steam or Energy flow as selected in B04 :Fluid.
C: SET 2
From the menu screen scroll down to
C: SET 2 and press ENTER. Then,
press F4, OK.
Press the MENU key until C: Set 2 is
Scroll down to C09: UNIT CONV FA and
press ENTER. Using the numeric
keys, enter the conversion factor and
press the ENTER key twice. Press
F4, OK.
Using the PRMTR key move through
this menu until parameter C09: Unit
Conversion Fa is displayed. Use the
numeric keys, enter the conversion factor
and press the ENT key twice.
See below for how to calculate the correct conversion factor.
Scroll to parameter C10: USERS UNIT and
press the ENTER key. Enter the
custom flow units abbreviation using the
alphanumeric keys. Press ENTER
twice to save.
Using the PRMTR key move to the
c10: users unit parameter and enter the
custom flow units abbreviation using the
alphanumeric keys. Press ENT twice to
The C09: Unit Conversion Fa is defined as: Standard Units/Custom Unit
Example: Set up for span of 50 BBL/h (Barrels per hour)
B35: FLOW UNIT..................USgal; conversion = 42 USgal/BBL (oil) or .0238 BBL/USgal
B50: TIME UNIT.................../h
C09: Unit Conversion Fa ..Enter 0.0238 BBL/USgal
C10: USER’S UNIT .............Enter the abbreviation for barrels; BBL
After making the above modifications, the units of flow will now be barrels per hour, BBL/h. This unit will
not appear on the /TBL indicator, but only when communicating with the BT100 or BT200. Parameter
A20 will now indicate flowrate in BBL/h and parameter A30 will now totalize in Barrels, BBL.
NOTE: After making these settings, the value of parameter B52: FLOW SPAN must be set in custom user
units, i.e. BBL/H or 50, for this example.
Setting parameter C09: Unit Conversion Fa to any value other than ‘0’ activates the custom user units
function. To clear this function set C09 to ‘0’.