Installation – Yokogawa digitalYEWFLO (DY) User Manual

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IM 1F2B4-01-YIA

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Figure 3.1.2: Reducer, expander, elbow and valve

If the meter cannot be located in the piping where the minimum straight run requirements can be
met, it may be possible to install flow conditioning equipment upstream of the vortex meter and
reduce the upstream piping without significantly reducing the accuracy. Contact your local
representative or Yokogawa Industrial Automation for recommendations regarding flow conditioners.


Pipe schedule

We recommend pipe schedule 40 for ½" through 2" meter sizes. For meters larger than 2", use
schedule 80 pipe or smaller. If pipe schedule other than above is used, please refer to Parameter D05
to correct errors due to mismatched pipe schedule.


Flow direction and orientation

Before installing the vortex meter verify the arrow on the meter body is facing the same
direction as the direction of the flow.
The direction of flow can be determined by the arrow on the
shedder bar or clamping plate. The meter may be installed with the converter located above, below
or to the side of the piping, whatever suits the selected installation location best. Flow may be
horizontal or vertical, as long as the pipe is completely full. For liquid applications vertical flow up
is preferred, as this guarantees a full pipe at all times.


Pressure and temperature taps

If you are metering a gas where pressure and temperature compensation is required, pressure and
temperature taps must be located downstream of the vortex meter. See Figure 3.1.3.

Figure 3.1.3: Pressure and Temperature taps