Yokogawa digitalYEWFLO (DY) User Manual
Page 28

IM 1F2B4-01-YIA
Page 24
BT20 0 Ba sic Opera tion
1) Press ON/OFF to activate pow er.
2) Press ENTER k ey w hen prom pted.
3) “M odel”, “Ta g No.”, and “Self-check ” w ill alw ays be displayed next.
4) Press F4 to continu e. The m a in m enu list w ill be displayed next.
5) Hig hlig ht the desired m enu by u sing the u p and dow n m ovem ent k eys. Press ENTER to
access the selected m enu .
6) Use the u p and dow n m ovem ent k eys to hig hlig ht the desired param eter and press ENTER to
7) Once a para m eter has been selected either:
a) Use the u p a nd dow n m ovem ent k eys to review options w ithin the param eter. Once the
appropriate option has been selected, press ENTER twice to edit the selection.
b) W here data inpu t is requ ired, u se the alpha k ey to tog g le betw een the alpha and nu m eric
chara cters. Press ENTER twice to save the cha ng es.
Notes: A) The fu nction k eys (F1-F4) a re u sed to execu te the com m a nds displa yed a t the bottom of the
B) Use the left (<) and right (>) movement keys to change whole page of displayed information. The
“<“ key shows the preceding page and the “>“ key the following page.
C) To select a desired alpha character, always use the appropriate SHIFT key. Use the green
shift key to select letters marked in green and the black shift key to select letters marked in black.
If the alpha/numeric keys are not used in conjunction with the SHIFT key, the numeric value
shown on the key will be displayed.
D) To go directly to a particular parameter anywhere in the menu tree while working in a menu, press
either SHIFT key and then press F4. Type the parameter designation (example B24) to be
displayed and press ENTER.