Yokogawa ADMAG AXF User Manual
Page 12

IM 01E20D01-01E
Upstream side
Downstream side
Figure 3.1.2
Chemical Injection
(5) Precautions for Use of Liquid Sealing
Care must be taken in using liquid sealing
compounds on the piping, as it may have a
negative influence on the flow indications by
flowing out and covering the surfaces of an
electrode or grounding ring. In particular, care
must be taken if a liquid sealing compound is
used in the case of vertical piping.
(6) Service Area
Select locations where there is adequate space to
service installing, wiring, overhauling, etc.
(7) Bypass Line
It is recommended to install a bypass line to facilitate
maintenance and zero adjustment.
Bypass valve
Block valve
Block valve
Figure 3.1.3
Bypass Line
(8) Supporting the Flowmeter
Do not secure the flowmeter separately to
prevent the vibrations, shocks, and expansion
and contraction forces of the piping from affect-
ing it. Fix the pipes first, then support the flow-
meter with the pipes. With extra small-sized
flowmeters (2.5-10 mm), in particular, fix the
flowmeter in parallel with the piping on a mount-
ing base.
(9) Mounting Positions
• Pipes must be fully filled with liquids.
It is essential that pipes remain fully filled at all
times, otherwise flow rate indications may be
affected and measurement errors may be
Piping shall be designed so as to maintain the interior
of the flowtube filled with fluids.
Vertical mounting is effective in such cases as when
fluids tend to separate or solid matter may be precipi-
tated. When employing vertical mounting, direct the
fluids from the bottom to the top to ensure that the
pipes remain fully filled.
Figure 3.1.4
Mounting Positions
• Avoid air bubbles.
If air bubbles enter a measurement pipe, flow
rate indications may be affected and measure-
ment errors may be caused.
In cases where fluids contain air bubbles, piping must
be designed to prevent them from accumulating in the
measurement pipe of a flowtube.
If a valve exists near the flowmeter, try to mount the
flowmeter on the valve’s upstream side in order to
prevent a possible reduction of pressure inside the pipe,
thereby avoiding the possibility of air bubbles.
Figure 3.1.5
Avoiding Air Bubbles