Voltage inputs, Unused inputs, Back terminal block connections – Watlow CAS User Manual

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CAS User’s Guide 27

Voltage Inputs

Connect the + side of the voltage input to the In+ terminal.

Connect the - side of the input to analog common. The voltage input

range is -10 to 60 mV.

Scale signals larger than 60 mV with scaling resistors that make full

scale input 60 mV. (For more information about scaling resistors,
request Watlow Anafaze's technical note, Installing Scaling Resis-
tors in the CAS.)

The figure below shows a typical voltage input.

Unused Inputs

Set the input type for unused inputs to "SKIP" to avoid the default T/C
break alarms. (See Input Type in Chapter 4: Setup for information on
setting the input type.)

Back Terminal Block Connections

Wire inputs to the back terminal block as shown here.

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Terminal Block