Proface FP3900 - 19 Flat Panel" User Manual
Page 13

Easy Installation In User’s Cabinets and Panels
The FP’s slim and compact design makes installation a snap since it was designed specifically for use as an IA (Indus-
trial Automation) or OA (Office Automation) system monitor. The flat, front panel provides protection equivalent to
the rigorous IP65f standard. Even without its optional protective cover the front panel is highly resistant to both water
and dust.
Panel can be used as a VGA Display
Since the FP is equipped with an analog RGB interface and a DVI-D Interface, it can be connected to a PC and other,
similar devices. (The PC’s dot clock frequency, however, must be within the standard range.)
Easy-to-use Built-In Touch Panel
The FP’s built-in touch panel is standard equipment, allowing touch panel data to be output to a host PC via an RS-
232C cable or USB cable. This is perfect for systems requiring both touch panel operation and data monitoring.
USB-HUB function (Model Type: FP3710-T41-U, FP3710-T42-U)
This unit has USB-HUB function and can connect USB devices to the front USB connector.
JFP-3900T Series
High Quality TFT Color LCD Display
This unit is equipped with a 19.0 inch TFT type color LCD. Its superior brightness and wide viewing angle, not found
in ordinary laptop-type TFT LCDs, widens your scope of applications.
The screen's maximum resolution is 1280(H) × 1024(V) pixels and can display 16,770,000 colors.
Easy Installation In User’s Cabinets and Panels
The FP’s slim and compact design makes installation a snap since it was designed specifically for use as an IA (Indus-
trial Automation) or OA (Office Automation) system monitor. The flat, front panel provides protection equivalent to
the rigorous IP65f standard. Even without its optional protective cover the front panel is highly resistant to both water
and dust.
Panel can be used as a VGA Display
Since the FP is equipped with an analog RGB interface and a DVI-D Interface, it can be connected to a PC and other,
similar devices. (The PC’s dot clock frequency, however, must be within the standard range.)
Easy-to-use Built-In Touch Panel
The FP’s built-in touch panel is standard equipment, allowing touch panel data to be output to a host PC via an RS-
232C cable or USB cable. This is perfect for systems requiring both touch panel operation and data monitoring.
USB-HUB function (Model Type: FP3900-T41-U)
This unit has USB-HUB function and can connect USB devices to the front USB connector.