Proface APL3000B - Node Box PC User Manual
Page 47
PL3000 Series Reference Manual
Cache Memory Configuration
Specifies the parameters for the cache memory. Point the cursor to the [Cache Memory] on the [Advanced]
screen and press the [Enter] Key, so that the following screen will be displayed.
Memory Cache
Specifies an enabled/disabled state for the Memory Cache.
Uses cache memory.
Does not use cache memory.
Cache System BIOS area
Specifies the cache set-up for the System BIOS area.
Does not cache the System BIOS area.
[Write Protect]
Write protects the System BIOS area.
Cache Video BIOS area
Specifies the cache set-up for the VIDEO BIOS area.
Does not cache the System BIOS area.
[Write Protect]
Write protects the System BIOS area.
Cache Base 0-512k
Specifies the cache set-up for the Base Memory, 0 ~ 512k.
Does not cache the System BIOS area.
[Write Through]
Uses Write Through method.
[Write Protect]
Write protects the System BIOS area.
[Write Back]
Uses Write Back method.