Set turn-around delay command, Set tab character width command, Set communications parameters command – Maple Systems STEPware-100 User Manual

Page 61: Enable handshaking command, Set operating mode command

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Set Turn-Around Delay Command


t delay terminator


0 = none, 1 = 50 milliseconds, 2 = 100 milliseconds, 3 = 250 milliseconds

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to change the delay between the time the OIT

receives a command requesting data and the OIT’s response.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “t0”; CHR(2)

Set Tab Character Width Command


z width terminator


0 = no change, 1 = 1 character, 2 = 4 character, 3 = 8 character

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to set the width of each “tab stop” used by the HT

control code.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “z2”; CHR(2)

Set Communications Parameters Command


B baud parity databits terminator


0 = no change, 1 = 300 baud, 2 = 600 baud, 3 = 1200 baud,

4 = 2400 baud, 5 = 4800 baud, 6 = 9600 baud, 7 = 19200 baud


0 = no change, 1 = space, 2 = mark, 3 = even, 4 = odd, 5 = none

data bits:

0 = no change, 1 = 7 data bits (1 stop bit if parity, 2 if no parity),

2 = 8 data bits & 1 stop bit

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to change the OIT’s baud rate, parity, and data bits.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “B652”; CHR(2)

Enable Handshaking Command


H handshaking terminator

handshaking: 0 = all handshaking disabled

1 = software handshaking (XON/XOFF) enabled (Interactive mode)

2 = hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS) enabled (Interactive and Block


3 = software and hardware handshaking enabled (Interactive mode)

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to enable or disable serial handshaking.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “H0”; CHR(2)

Set Operating Mode Command


M mode address terminator


0 = no change, 1 = interactive, 2 = block, 3 = network


01 to FF (ASCII hexadecimal)

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to change the OIT’s operating mode and

network address.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “1”; CHR(2)


STEP1 Protocol Operation Manual

1010-0096, Rev. 04