Teledyne LeCroy Inspector - Users Manual User Manual
Page 32

CATC Inspector User’s Manual
Version 2.31
28 Field Formats
The CATC Inspector software supports several different formats in which the USB traffic data
can be displayed. When the ‘Field Formats’ button is selected, the following dialog box opens,
enabling a choice of viewing mode (either binary or hexadecimal format) for each of the special
message fields (Sync, PID, CRC, etc.). In addition, each field can be viewed with the most
significant bit (MSB) positioned on its left or right side.
Data fields can sometimes be quite lengthy. To reduce screen clutter, data fields longer than 64
bytes are always displayed in hexadecimal, regardless of the field format specification. In
addition, if the “Curtail long DATA” checkbox is marked, data fields longer than 16 bytes will
be displayed as their initial two bytes (one byte when in binary mode) plus a remaining byte
count. Thus a field that might otherwise occupy several lines of display will be shown as:
It is possible to revert back to the default setting at any time by selecting the ‘Set to Defaults’
button. After making the desired selections, selecting the OK button will close this dialog box
and return to the Display Options dialog box for additional selections. Hidden Elements
It is occasionally convenient to display only some of the different USB packet fields. For
example, eliminating the display of Sync and Idle state fields (in situations where they are not
significant) can often simplify, and thus clarify, the traffic display. The Hidden Elements button,