Labmaster 9 zi-a – Teledyne LeCroy LabMaster 9Zi-A User Manual
Page 248

LabMaster 9 Zi-A
922157-00 Rev A
the Software Product is an upgrade of a component of a package of
software programs that you licensed as a single product, the
Software Product may be used and transferred only as part of that
single product package and may not be separated for use on more
than one computer.
1.3. Limitations. Except as specifically permitted in this EULA, you
will not directly or indirectly (a) use any Confidential Information to
create any software or documentation that is similar to any of the
Software Product or Documentation; (b) encumber, transfer, rent,
lease, time-share or use the Software Product in any service bureau
arrangement; (c) copy (except for archival purposes), distribute,
manufacture, adapt, create derivative works of, translate, localize,
port or otherwise modify the Software Product or the
Documentation; (d) permit access to the Software Product by any
party developing, marketing or planning to develop or market any
product having functionality similar to or competitive with the
Software Product; (e) publish benchmark results relating to the
Software Product, nor disclose Software Product features, errors or
bugs to third parties; or (f) permit any third party to engage in any of
the acts proscribed in clauses (a) through (e). In jurisdictions in
which transfer is permitted, notwithstanding the foregoing
prohibition, transfers will only be effective if you transfer a copy of
this EULA, as well as all copies of the Software Product, whereupon
your right to use the Software product will terminate. Except as
described in this Section 1.3, You are not permitted (i) to decompile,
disassemble, reverse compile, reverse assemble, reverse translate or
otherwise reverse engineer the Software Product, (ii) to use any
similar means to discover the source code of the Software Product
or to discover the trade secrets in the Software Product, or (iii) to
otherwise circumvent any technological measure that controls
access to the Software Product. You may reverse engineer or
otherwise circumvent the technological measures protecting the
Software Product for the sole purpose of identifying and analyzing
those elements that are necessary to achieve Interoperability (the
"Permitted Objective") only if: (A) doing so is necessary to achieve
the Permitted Objective and it does not constitute infringement
under Title 17 of the United States Code; (B) such circumvention is
confined to those parts of the Software Product and to such acts as