SecurityMan LCDDVR4 User Manual

Page 65

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1. Open File

2. Fast Backward (Rewind)

3. Play Reverse

4. Previous Frame

5. Pause

6. Next Frame

7. Play

8. Fast Forward

9. Still Capture

10. Split 1 (Single Full


11. Split 4 (QUAD)

12. Volume (Scrollable)

13. Mute On/Off

14. Play Bar (Scrollable)

15. Minimize Window

16. Close Program

The LCDDVR4 backup files are in *.VVF file format which is a proprietary format

(not standard format) and can only be playback using the software provided. To

playback *.VVF file, click on the

Open File button or Open File or F2

(Contextual Menu-right mouse click) and browse to the *.VVF file, as shown be-

low. Locate the backup *.VVF file, click on it to highlight and then click on


to start to playback the selected file.