Ronan X501NET User Manual
Page 39

Chapter 2 - Interface
X501NET System Configuration Manual © 2008 Ronan Engineering Company 33
network that has non-Ronan devices attached, the IP Network Mask must be the same as the
mask used on the other network devices. Default Gateway Field
If the X501NET is connected to a network that only has devices associated with the SER system,
the Default Gateway is typically It the X501NET is attached to a network
that has non-Ronan devices attached, the Default Gateway should be the same as the network
gateway used by the other network devices. Name Server Field
If the X501NET is connected to a network that only has devices associated with the SER system,
the Name Server is typically It the X501NET is attached to a network that
has non-Ronan devices attached, the Name Server should be the same as the name server used
by the other network devices.
2.10 IEC 60870-5-104 Page
The IEC 60870-5-104 page allows the user to view and modify the parameters of the IEC
60870-104-5 Protocol
This Protocol is used for communication between the X501NET and master stations such as the IEC60870
Producer that is part of the AlarmX software product.