Ronan X501NET User Manual
Page 35

Chapter 2 - Interface
X501NET System Configuration Manual © 2008 Ronan Engineering Company 29
If an entry in the table specifies “0” or “Equal to Alarm”, then there is no choice of this filter
parameter. The parameter is automatically set to 0 or the same value as selected for the alarm
time constant, respectively. Low Time Constants Group
The low time constant group allows a choice of times between 1 ms and 255 ms in 1 ms steps.
When a time constant is specified in the table above as “0 or Low”, the range of choices allowed
is 0 ms to 255 ms in 1 ms steps. Medium Time Constants Group
The medium time group allows the following choices:
Selected Value
Time in Milliseconds
Approx. Time in Seconds
256 ms
256 256
512 ms
512 512
1K ms
1024 1.024
2K ms
2048 2.048
4K ms
4096 4.096
8K ms
8192 8.192
16K ms
16384 16.384
32K ms
32768 32.768 High Time Constants Group
The high time group allows the following choices:
Selected Value
Time in Milliseconds
Approx. Time in Minutes
64K ms (1.09 min)
65,536 1.09
128K ms (2.18 min)
131,072 2.18
256K ms (4.37 min) 262,144 4.37
512K ms (8.74 min) 524,288 8.74
1M ms (17.48 min) 1,048,576 17.48
2M ms (34.95 min) 2,097,152 34.95
4M ms (69.90 min) 4,194,304 69.90
8M ms (139.81 min) 8,388,608 139.81