Figure 3-33 m, Without beams 15 and 16 – Gentec-EO Beamage-M2 User Manual
Page 36

User Manual Revision 2.0
Figure 3-33 M
Beams configurations : Multiple automatic exposure time detection, multiple manual active
areas and selection to see the fifteenth beam exposure time into the displays
Figure 3-34 M
Beams configurations : Multiple automatic exposure time detection, multiple manual active
areas and removing of the sixth and sixteenth beams into the displays
Each row in the list represents a different beam on the sensor. Each beam can be selected or deselected. If a
beam is deselected, it will not be included in the measurements and will not be shown on the 2D display.
Figure 3-35 M
without beams 15 and 16
The active area of each beam can be edited by double clicking on the corresponding row. This will open a new
dialog box with the editable values.