Alibration, Optical setup and calibration – Gentec-EO Beamage-M2 User Manual
Page 17

User Manual Revision 2.0
The M
Calibration tab allows the user to calibrate the Beamage-M2 module before doing real-time M
calculations in the M
Measures tab.
The calibration is a step-by-step procedure and must be done one step at a time following this precise order. To
validate a value, press the ENTER or the TAB key. For the button, press ENTER or left click with a mouse to
validate a value. If, at any time, a wrong value has been entered, the Reset button can be pressed. If so, the
complete procedure must be done again from the first step.
Once all the steps are done and the Calibrate button is pressed, the M
and other parameters calculations will
be displayed in real-time in the M
Measures tab (refer to section 3.4).
For information, the distance between the front of the Beamage-M2 and the Beamage-3.0 sensor is
approximately 87.1 mm (79.3 mm + 7.8 mm).
3.2. “Calibration At Lens” Calibration Mode
The Calibration At Lens Mode is also a single camera mode. However, a beam diameter measurement at a
known distance is used for the calibration. There is no need to move the Beamage-M2 module. The Beamage-
3.0 must be unmounted and mounted again from the Beamage-M2 module. The beam diameter at the position
of the lens will be measured only once during calibration, and then the user will be able to switch to the M
measurements with the Beamage-M2 module.
3.2.1. Optical setup and calibration
1- Making a first measurement at the position of the lens. The Beamage-3.0 camera needs to be placed at
the exact position where the lens will be placed in the Beamage-M2 configuration setup.
Figure 3-6 Optical Setup for Step 1 of the Calibration At Lens Mode
2- If it is not already done, run the PC-Beamage-3.0 software. Start a capture and subtract the background
to have an accurate beam diameter measurement.
3- When you are satisfied with the measurements, go to the M2 Mode dropdown menu in the Ribbon and
choose “Save Beam Diameter”.