Changes to the manual, 9060-zirconia analyser – Teledyne 9060 - Zirconium oxide flue gas oxygen analyzer User Manual
Page 96

Changes to the Manual
Feb 1997 version
‘Case Mounting Dimensions’ now has height dimension
3.12 changed ‘CAL’ to ‘REF’ and added comment for two probe ref air connection.
“Note: Filter purging is not available if two sensors was selected in set-up 1.”
removed from 3.21.
Contacts must be normally closed..
” in 1.4.
Feb 1997 version
Section 2.8, AUTO CALIBRATION – ELECTRONICS, altered to include the ‘Warning’ alarms.
Feb 1997 version
Changed the table of EMF/oxygen on page 57 from 820 to 720
May 1997 version
Updated the date and version # on page 1 & 2.
Altered item 78, ref air selection, page 47.
Added item 79, Reference Air Relative Humidity to the set up menu, page 47.
Added Ref Air Fail to the common alarm list on page 34
Added to section 3.12, Connecting Reference Air, page 25
May 1997 version
Added imperial calculations in (brackets), by JMC, all pages.
TAB proof read correction/changes. All pages checked.
May 1997 version
Low Low alarm level in 5.5.70 default level and range.
Added new option in 5.5.22 and changed 5.5.23.
Changed the date and version number on page 2.
July 1997 version
Changed the version # and date on page 2
Added set-up item #27, Top line display ppm/%
Changed all set-up items from 27 and above, to 1 mode. (ie set-up 30 becomes 31)
Altered the first two paragraphs of section 2.3, page 14.
Altered the first paragraph of section 4.1 and display items list, page 30
July 1997 version
Altered the channel #1 and #2 setup items on page 40 and 41, for oxygen deficiency, #2 sensor
Altered the lower line list on page 42 to include oxygen deficiency, #2 sensor
Altered the print log list on page 46 to include oxygen deficiency, #2 sensor
Re-paginating was necessary from page 40 on….
Software version on page 2.
November 1997 version
Removed efficiency from channel 2 list on page 6
Removed efficiency and added combustibles to lower line on page 7
Changed 55 to 50 for the ambient temperature on page 7
Added a note in Mounting the transmitter on page 18
Changed Connecting the Aux Thermocouple on page 24
Removed efficiency from Display Functions on page 30
Added item 4.6 about the back light on page 33
Changed setup 21, probe or sensor thermocouple types on page 40
Changed setup 26, Channel 2 output. Removed efficiency and changed Co2 ranges on page 41
Removed efficiency and co in co2 in setup 29, lower line function, on page 42
Changed setup 32 and 33 in page 43
Change setup 76 data to print, on page 47
Changed the ‘6.2 Location of Calibration Test Points’ diagram, 10 way to 16 way cable on page 50
Changed section 3.2A first paragraph page 18
Changed section 3.13 first paragraph page 26
Changed setup list on page 35