9060-zirconia analyser – Teledyne 9060 - Zirconium oxide flue gas oxygen analyzer User Manual

Page 74

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A ‘COLD START’ will reset all ‘Set-up’ mode entries to their factory default values. ‘COLD
START’ will show on the display for a second prior to a microprocessor initialising
sequence, which takes about seven seconds.
After a ‘COLD START’, it is necessary to set all new variables in the ‘SET-UP’ mode,
including calibration voltages and time and date.

To initiate a ‘COLD START’ -

Turn the mains power off
Remove the ‘COLD START LINK’ (this is located on the door PCB, next to the keyboard
lock switch, behind the shield)
Turn the mains power on. The message “Cold Start......” will be displayed.
Leave the LINK off until the message “Replace c/s Link” is displayed. Replace the LINK.
The date and version number of the software will be displayed.

A ‘WARM START’, which is performed by applying power with the COLD START LINK in
its place, will retain all data previously entered in the Set-up mode.


Location of Calibration Test Points

The transmitter maintains its accuracy over a very long period by continuously checking
itself against internal stabilised references. The only calibration required is to set the
actual values of these references into battery backed memory. The transmitter will read
these references every minute and update its zero and span correction factors. See
Section 5.5.7 to 10.
These references should be checked every 12 months. An AUTOCAL of the analog
output section should always be performed if these references are altered. See Section