9060-zirconia analyser – Teledyne 9060 - Zirconium oxide flue gas oxygen analyzer User Manual

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31. Top Line Units

The oxygen displayed on the top line can be displayed as percent only or auto-ranging to
If PPM is selected, the display will still read in percent until the oxygen falls below 0.1%
when the display will change to a PPM value, down to 0.1PPM.


Percent *

32. Centigrade / Fahrenheit Selection

Select whether displays and outputs are to be in ° Celsius or Fahrenheit


1. Celsius (Centigrade) *
2 Fahrenheit

33. Lower Line Display Functions

In the run mode the upper line on the LCD display will always read % oxygen. The lower
line can be set to read one or more of the following. Select as many as are required to be
displayed by pressing the ‘ENTER’ button. Those selected will have an asterisk displayed


1. Average of sensor 1 & sensor 2 oxygen, see Note 3
2. Sensor 2 oxygen , see Note 3
3. Sensor 1 EMF
4. Sensor 2 EMF, see Note 3
5. Sensor 1 temperature
6. Sensor 2 temperature, or Auxiliary temperature if 1 sensor is selected in set-up 1
7. Sensor 1 impedance
8. Sensor 2 impedance, see Note 3
9. Ambient temperature
10.Oxygen deficiency 1, see Note 2
11.Combustibles %, or oxygen deficiency 2 if 2 sensors are selected in set-up 1.


theoretical maximum

13.Run hours since last service
14.Date of last service

If no lower line options are required then do not enter any. If options already selected are
required to be deleted, select the required option and press the ‘ENTER’ button. The
asterisk will be removed.


1. A flue thermocouple must be connected to Terminals 5 and 6 to obtain a proper reading

for option 9 (Refer Section 3.5).

2. The oxygen deficiency display will read ‘EXCESS’ when the combustion contains

excess air.

3. These options will not appear unless two sensors are selected in set up 1.