1 display vectoring from the alarm review display, Figure 8-2. number entry keypad – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Operators Manual User Manual
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Process Alarms 81
Alarms on the Alarm Review display can also be acknowledged using the Ack option on the Alarm Review
menu bar. Clicking on this option causes a menu to appear. This menu is used to acknowledge multiple
alarms by:
All alarms
Click the desired item; a window containing a text entry box and a keypad, similar to the one in
will be displayed. (The label above the text entry box will differ, depending on the parameter selected.)
Enter the number of the Priority or Area for which alarms are to be acknowledged. Click OK to complete
the operation; all alarms visible in the Alarm Review display for that priority, area, etc., will be acknowl-
To acknowledge all the alarms visible in the Alarm Review display, from the menu bar select Ack > All
Alarms (or press
-F10 if an IBM AT-compatible keyboard is used). A confirmation box will ask:
?Acknowledge All Alarms on Display
Click Yes to acknowledge all alarms visible in the Alarm Review display, or click No to exit without
acknowledging alarms. Display Vectoring from the Alarm Review Display
A Vector pushbutton appears to the right of each Alarm Acknowledge button. The face of the Vector
pushbutton displays the character V. Click this button to change (vector) directly to another display.
The display which appears depends upon which display has been configured, via Alarm Vectoring Config-
uration, for the point which is in alarm. If no display has been assigned, the Point Display for the point in
alarm will appear by default. When a Vector button on the Alarm Review display is clicked, the resulting
display appears, by default, in the same window which was occupied by the Alarm Review.
Figure 8-2. Number Entry Keypad
This operation differs slightly from that of the Vector buttons in the
Mini-Alarm Window; clicking on a Vector button in the Mini-Alarm
Window causes the resulting display to appear, by default, in the
Operator Window which has the lowest number (e.g., Operator
Window #1).