Editing quantitative analysis settings – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual

Page 99

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7. If you selected Lum Qual in the Formulas list, edit the values for each range under

Negative, Low Positive, or High Positive. If you selected Adv Qual in the Formulas
list, edit Negative, Low Positive, Moderate Positive, or Strong Positive. Select the
check box in the Inclusive column to include the value in the range. If you clear the
check box, the value will be one unit higher than the low value, and one unit lower than
the high value.

8. Click Add Range if you want to add a new range. Type a Range Name, Low Value,

High Value, and check or clear the Inclusive check boxes.

9. If you want to delete a range, click a range to highlight it, and click Delete Range.

10. Type a name for the new formula in the Formula Name box.

11. Click Save Formula. The new formula displays in the Formulas list.

12. Click Apply to All Analytes to apply the new formula to all analytes in the list, or click

OK to apply the new formula to the single analyte you first clicked.

Editing Quantitative Analysis Settings

To edit quantitative analysis settings:
1. Open the Protocols page, the Protocols tab opens. Select a protocol and click Edit.

2. The Settings - subtab opens.

NOTE: Update the version of the protocol before opening the Analytes


3. From the Analytes tab, click on any analyte in the Analysis field to open the Analysis

Settings dialog box.

4. From the Method list, click No Analysis, Cubic Spline, Linear Fit, Logistic 4P, or

Logistic 5P.
No Analysis

Cubic Spine

Linear Fit

Logistic 4P

Logistic 5P

5. From the Weight list, click None or 1/Y



NOTE: The Weight options are only available if the chosen Method is

Logistic 4P or Logistic 5P.

6. Check Mark as Intra-Well Normalization Bead if you want to use a normalization bead.

The normalization bead is a microsphere set that is included in the assay as an internal
control. It controls sample variation and can be used to normalize data between samples
in a run.

7. Check Use Threshold Ranges if you want to use a range for the analysis.

8. Click Add Range to setup the threshold range.

9. Type a name for the range in the Range Name field.

10. Type low and high range values in the Low Value and High Value fields.

11. Select the check box in the Inclusive column to include the value in the range, or leave it

clear to make the range value one unit higher than the low value, and one unit lower than
the high value.

Protocols Page