Protocol procedures, Creating an allele call protocol – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual
Page 88
• Name
• Version
• Manufacturer
• Date
Click the Create New Protocol button or click Stds/Ctrls to move to those pages.
There are action buttons at the bottom of the page. Most of these buttons are not displayed
unless you are working with a saved protocol. While you are creating a protocol, only Cancel
and Next buttons are displayed. After saving a protocol or opening a saved protocol, the
following buttons are displayed:
• New Std/Ctrl
• Plate Layout
• Delete
• Import
• Export
• Edit
• View
NOTE: The buttons are only visible when there is an existing protocol in the
system. If no protocols have been created or imported, then only the
Import button is visible
Protocol Procedures
Creating an Allele Call Protocol
Protocols > Protocols > Create New Protocol
This protocol contains no standards or controls. An allele call protocol compares groups of
two, three, or four analytes to identify genotypes.
To create an allele call protocol:
1. Open the Protocols page, then open the Protocols tab. Click Create New Protocol.
The Protocol Settings tab opens.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the protocol.
3. In the Description box, type a description of the protocol.
4. In the Version box, type the version of the protocol.
5. In the Manufacturer box, type the manufacturer information for the protocol.
6. Define the settings in the Acquisition Settings section.
NOTE: Final washes are required for proper analysis. If you are not
performing a final wash step on your plate before acquisition on the
instrument, enable Sample Wash here. This
automatically washes each sample.
7. Define settings in the Analysis Settings section, selecting Allele Call as the analysis