Editing qualitative analysis settings – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual

Page 98

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NOTE: Luminex recommends Fit of All Standards as the most accurate

calculation of the curve fit.

Based on a range of quantitative, numerical results, a threshold range can be applied to
a quantitative analysis, for example, high, low, saturated, and expected.

Allele Call - Sets analysis for an allele call. Analytes must be put in groups of 2, 3, or 4.

Number of Standards - Click to type the number of standards for the protocol. Applies

only to qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Number of Controls - Click to type the number of controls for the protocol. Applies only to

qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Fit of all Standards - The standard curve will be determined by using each individual

standard replicate when calculating the standard curve. For example, if you run duplicates
of a 7-point standard curve, the software will calculate the standard curve by using 14-
points. Applies only to quantitative analysis.

Mean of Replicates - The standard curve will be determined by averaging the individual

standard replicates when calculating the standard curve. For example, if you run duplicates
of a seven-point curve, the software calculates the standard curve by using 7-averaged
points. Applies only to quantitative analysis.

Min MFI Enabled - Select this box to enable a minimum MFI for the Allele Call analysis.

Type a value in this box to set the minimum MFI for analysis.

Analyze results while acquiring samples - The software allows real-time viewing of the

results as the instrument analyzes samples. This feature is not available if you select None
as your analysis type.

Use External Analysis Program - Select this check box to use a third-party program to

analyze the data. The Analysis Program list becomes active when this is selected.
Applies only to qualitative and quantitative analysis. Use this list to select which program to
use for data analysis.

Cancel - Returns you to the main Batches tab.

Next - Click to advance to the Analytes tab.

Editing Qualitative Analysis Settings

1. Open the Protocols page, then open the Protocols tab. Select a protocol and click Edit.

2. In the Settings tab, enter a new version number before clicking the Analytes subtab.

3. From the Analytes sub tab, click on any analyte in the Analysis field to open the

Analysis Settings dialog box.

4. From the Method list, click Luminex Qualitative or No Analysis. Check Mark as Intra-

Well Normalization Bead if you want to use a normalization bead. The normalization
bead is a microsphere set that is included in the assay as an internal control. It controls
for sample variation and can be used to normalize data between samples in a run. An
analyte used as a normalization bead will appear blue in the analyte grid.

5. From the Formulas list, click Lum Qual or Adv Qual.

6. Type a new name for the edited formula in the Formula Name box.



