Setting up batches – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual
Page 42
NOTE: These tabs (except New MultiBatch) are sequential. You must
complete each screen in a specific order.
The Pending Batches list displays the name of the protocol used with the batch, the protocol
version, date, and status for each pending batch. The following buttons only appear if the
pending batches have data:
Reacquire - Reacquires the selected batch.
Performing this action may result in varying results due to
decreased bead counts, potential carry over effects, and time-
sensitive reagents.
Save Prtcl. - Saves protocol and/or assay information for a standard/control.
Plate Layout - Opens the Report dialog box, which includes the Batch Plate Layout Report.
Import - Imports a batch not previously run in xPONENT
4.2 from a folder on the PC into
Export - Exports the batch information in order to move it to another computer, make a copy
of the data, and then import it into xPONENT
on another computer.
Delete - Deletes a batch.
Edit - Edits a batch.
Run - Runs a batch.
Setting Up Batches
Batches consist of protocols and samples for acquisition and can span more than one plate.
Protocols contain predefined commands that must be included in every batch acquisition.
You can group batches together as a multi-batch. Multi-batches can consist of any number of
batches that have been set up from different protocols and are processed consecutively.
Multi-batches cannot be run on multiple plates.
NOTE: It is recommended that the manufacturer assay kit controls are
analyzed with each plate.
Human and animal samples may contain biohazardous
infectious agents. Where exposure (including aerosol) to
potentially biohazardous material exists, follow appropriate
biosaftey procedures and use personal protective equipment,
such as gloves, gowns, laboratory coats, face shields, or mask
and eye protection, and ventilation devices. Observe all local,
state, and federal biohazard handling regulations when
disposing of biohazardous waste material.
When setting up a batch, if the number of samples exceeds the number of wells in one
microtiter plate, you can add additional plates in the Add and Change Plate secondary
window. Additional plates are identified on the bottom of the plate image as Plate a of b,
where a is the plate number and b is the total number of plates.