Create a new batch from a new protocol – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual

Page 49

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an error when attempting to run a batch on a system where the
routine does not exist.

Clicking either Pre Batch Routine or Post Batch Routine opens the Commands and
dialog box, where you can select the command or routine you want before or after
running the batch. Clicking Add after selecting a well opens the same box for you to select a
command or routine for that well. Clicking Delete after selecting a well deletes any
commands or routines associated with that well.

Plate - Specifies the plate to display in the plate image in the list. Add Plate adds a new plate
to the batch, and Delete Plate deletes the plate highlighted in the list.

Direction - Specifies the direction to run the plate commands. Select either horizontally or
vertically. The selected direction also dictates how wells are added to the plate when
assigning multiple unknowns, standards, and controls at one time.

Plate Navigation - Displays a smaller plate image for the current batch.

Single Step - Instructs the system to acquire one well and then stop. Use this to ensure the
system is working correctly before you run the whole batch.

Off Plate Area - - Designates an alternate location for maintenance commands in the
Commands and Sequence list.

Save Prtcl - Opens the Save Protocol dialog box to save the protocol and/or kit.

• Select Save Protocol and/or Save Std/Ctrl Kit to save the protocol and/or kit.

• Type information in the following boxes and click Save to save the protocol or kit.

Protocol Name



Optional Description

Std/Ctrl Kit Name

Std/Ctrl kit Lot#




Save - Saves the information as a pending batch.

Cancel - Returns to the Batches tab.

Back - Returns to the previous window.

Run Batch - Runs the batch and opens the Current Batch tab, where you can monitor the
batch as it runs.

Create a New Batch from a New Protocol

Click this option to create a new batch from a new protocol. This option enables you to create
a protocol while you are creating the batch.

1. Open the Batches page.

2. Click Create a New Batch from a new protocol to open the Settings tab.

3. Type a name in the Batch Name box.

4. Type a description in the Description box.

Batches Page