Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual
Page 58
Use this tab to define commands that apply to one or more wells. You can also define off-
plate and maintenance commands. This tab contains the following:
• Plate Image - This is a representation of the plate. Each well is displayed as a circle on the
grid. Well commands appear in the appropriate circles as you assign them to wells on the
• Command Sequence - Contains the command sequence for the active plate. The list
includes all active wells, the type of command (Unknown, Standard, Control, Background,
or assigned maintenance command), ID, and dilution factor. Double-click the ID field to
type an ID. Double-click the Dilution field to type a dilution factor.
NOTE: A command's ID and Dilution fields have a blue border around them
if they can be double-clicked to type information.
• Move Command - These arrows move a selected command up or down in the Command
Sequence list, changing the acquisition order.
• Import List - Opens the Open dialog box to import an existing command sequence list.
NOTE: A list of unknowns must be specified before importing a list without
locations specified.
• Replicate Count - Defines a quantity of replicate sets from one to nine.
NOTE: Replicate count selection must be made before adding a well
• Grouping - Selects the sequence in which the replicates are laid out in plate wells.
NOTE: Grouping selection must be made before adding a well command.
The options are: