Luminex IS Version 2.3 (IVD) User Manual

Page 92

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Luminex IS Software Manual for Version 2.3- For In Vitro Diagnostic Use


MAP Technology


2. Choose the file name and location of the database that you want

to back up. The default name is LX100IS(month-date-year).

3. Click Save. The LX100 IS Database Backup dialog box opens

informing you the backup is in progress to the specified location.

Delete Database


You can erase sample information from the database at any time. You
will see a warning when the database is 80% full (approximately 200
MB free of a two GB hard drive limit). This provides advanced
warning to erase database information.

When the database is 98% full, sample acquisition is prevented.
System calibration and control information is not affected when you
erase sample information. The system also does not affect standard
and control information while erasing data from the database.

To erase information from the database:

1. On the Tools menu, click Erase Database. The Choose Date

calendar opens.

2. Choose the day after the last day of the database entries that you

want to erase. For example, all data prior to January 16 are
erased. January 16 is kept.

3. Click OK. The Delete Database Entries dialog box opens and

warns that you are about to delete database records.

4. If you are sure you want to delete this data, click Yes. The

system deletes all events stored before the day you select.

Restore Database


Restore the database from a previously saved database.

To restore information to the database:

1. On the Tools menu, click Database Restore. The Restore

Database dialog box warns you that the Luminex IS 2.3
software will shut down after restoring the database.

2. Click Yes to continue to restore a database.

3. From the Restore Database From dialog box, select a database

backup file to restore and click Open. The system restores the
previously saved database. Notice that the files are organized by
date (month-day-year).

4. A Database Restored dialog box opens the next time you start

up the system. The dialog box prompts you to verify that the lot