Safety information - definition of terms, Series 6a operation & maintenance – safety – Bray 6A Series O&M Manual User Manual

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The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Series 6A Operation & Maintenance – Safety

6A O & M : 3

SAfeTy InfOrMATIOn - DefInITIOn Of TerMS



indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

death or serious injury.



indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in

minor or moderate injury.


used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potential situation which, if not

avoided, may result in an undesirable result or state, including property damage.

Hazard-free use
This device left the factory in proper condition to be safely installed

and operated in a hazard-free manner. The notes and warnings in this

document must be observed by the user if this safe condition is to be

maintained and hazard-free operation of the device assured.

• Take all necessary precautions to prevent damage due to rough

handling, impact, or improper storage. Do not use abrasive

compounds to clean, or scrape its surfaces with any objects.

• Configuration and calibration procedures are described in this

document. Proper configuration and calibration is required

for the safe operation.

• The control system in which the unit is installed must have

proper safeguards to prevent injury to personnel, or damage to

equipment, should failure of system components occur.

• This document does not cover every detail about every version

of the product described. It cannot take into account every

potential occurrence in installation, operation, maintenance

and use.

• If situations transpire that are not documented in sufficient

detail, please request the required information from the Bray

Distributor or Representative responsible for your area.

Qualified Personel
A qualified person in terms of this document is one who is familiar

with the installation, commissioning and operation of the device and

who has appropriate qualifications, such as:

• Is trained in the operation and maintenance of electric

equipment and systems in accordance with established safety


• Is trained or authorized to energize, de-energize, ground, tag

and lock electrical circuits and equipment in accordance with

established safety practices.

• Is trained in the proper use and care of personal protective

equipment (PPE) in accordance with established safety


• Is trained in first aid.
• In cases where the device is installed in a potentially

explosive (hazardous) location – is trained in the operation,

commissioning, operation and maintenance of equipment in

hazardous locations.