Bray 63 N4_N7 Series User Manual

Bray Equipment

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SERIES 63 N4/N7 Operation & Maintenance Manual

Manual Number OM-63/N4-N7-001

Date: November 10, 2009 Page 1 of 3

Bray Series 63-N4/N7 Installation & Maintenance Instructions

General Purpose/Rain tight/Water tight and

Rain tight/Water tight/Explosion proof

For S63-N4 see O&M Instructions for infor-

mation on: Operation, Positioning, Mounting,

Cleaning, Preventive Maintenance, Causes of

Improper Operation, Disassembly, and Reas-

sembly of basic valve.

S63 N4/N7 Solenoid coils are thermoplastic en-

capsulated pull-type for use with Bray solenoids.

These solenoids have three lead wires with one

wire for grounding and a ½ NPT male conduit

connection. S63 N4 Solenoids are designed to

meet Enclosure Type 1-General Purpose, Types 3

and 3S-Raintight, and Types 4 and 4X-Watertight.

S63 N4/N7 Solenoids meet Enclosure Types 3 and

3S-Raintight, Types 4 and 4X-Watertight, Type 7

Explosion proof Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B,

C, & D and Type 9 - Dust - Ignition proof Class

II, Division 1, Groups E, F, & G.

When the solenoid is energized, the core as-

sembly is drawn into the plugnut/core tube sub-

assembly. When the solenoid is de-energized,

spring force returns the core assembly to the

original position.

Enclosure Types 7 and 9 Only


To prevent fire or explosion, do not install so-

lenoid and/or valve where ignition temperature

of hazardous atmosphere is less than 160° C.

Open circuit before disassembling.

Solenoid may be mounted in any position.

Valve Mounting
The solenoid is assembled onto an actuator and is

rigidly supported using the actuator body mount-

ing provisions.


Solenoid coil wiring must be carried out by

trained personnel.

Wiring must comply with local codes and the Na-

tional Electrical Code. The solenoid is provided

with lead wires and one grounding wire, which

is green or green with a yellow stripe. To facili-

tate wiring, the solenoid may be rotated 360° in

90° increments. To rotate solenoid, remove the

four mounting screws, reposition solenoid and

replace screws. Torque screws evenly in a criss-

cross manner to 12 in-lbs [1.3 Nm].

Solenoids have a ½-14 NPT male thread. For

connection to rigid metal conduit, metal type

NPT electrical fittings should be used.


For the watertight and explosion proof solenoid,

electrical fittings must be approved for use in

hazardous locations.


