Alpha Technologies GMX-915 User Manual

Page 8

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017-932-B0-002, Rev. B

Safety Precautions, continued

• Do not allow live battery wires to contact the enclosure chassis. Shorting battery wires can result in a fire

or possible explosion.

• Always replace batteries with those of an identical type and rating. Never install old or untested batteries.
• Avoid using uninsulated tools or other conductive materials when handling batteries or working inside the


• Remove all rings, watches and other jewelry before servicing batteries.
• Spent or damaged batteries are environmentally unsafe. Always recycle used batteries. Refer to local

codes for proper disposal of batteries.

Battery Safety Notes

• Always refer to the battery manufacturer’s recommendation for selecting correct “FLOAT” and “ACCEPT”

charge voltages. Failure to do so can damage the batteries.

• Verify the GMX battery charger's “FLOAT” and “ACCEPT” voltage settings. See Section 5.2.3, Setup


• Batteries are temperature sensitive. During extremely cold conditions, a battery’s charge acceptance

is reduced and requires a higher charge voltage. During extremely hot conditions, a battery’s charge

acceptance is increased and requires a lower charge voltage. To compensate for changes in temperature,

the battery charger is temperature compensating.

• If the batteries appear to be overcharged or undercharged, first check for defective batteries and then

verify the correct charger voltage settings.

• To ensure optimum performance, inspect batteries every three to six months for signs of cracking,

leaking, or unusual swelling (note that some swelling is normal).

• Check battery terminals and connecting wires. Clean battery terminal connectors periodically and

retighten to approximately 50 inch-pounds. Spray the terminals with an approved battery terminal coating

such as NCP-2.

• Check battery voltages UNDER LOAD. Use a load tester if available. Differences between any battery in

the set should not be greater than 0.3Vdc.

• Refer to the battery manufacturer’s recommendation for correct charger voltages.
• Number the batteries (1, 2, 3, etc.) inside the enclosure for easy identification (refer to the appropriate

enclosure installation guide).

• Establish and maintain a battery maintenance log (see Section 6.9).

If installed, disconnect the AlphaGuard (AG-CMT) prior to measuring battery voltage.


Even with a AG-CMT present in the system, any battery which fails the 0.3V load test must be replaced with

an identical type of battery.


Always verify proper polarity of cables before connecting the batteries to the power module. The batteries are

clearly marked for polarity. If the cables become interchanged at the batteries the battery breaker will trip.