4 automatic performance test – Alpha Technologies GMX-915 User Manual

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017-932-B0-002, Rev. B

5. 0 Operation, continued

5.4 Automatic Performance Test

Automatic Self-test: The GMX Power Supply can periodically perform an automatic self-test

to verify the state of the batteries and the inverter circuitry. The automatic test feature has

several programmable parameters that affect the frequency and duration of automatic tests.

In addition to automatic testing, you can manually put the GMX Power Supply into test mode

by pressing ENTER and DOWN simultaneously. A running test may be halted manually by

pressing ENTER and DOWN a second time.
The test sequence starts with a check to verify that batteries are attached and the battery

circuit breaker is closed. If the batteries are discharged or not connected, the GMX Power

Supply does not attempt to operate in inverter test mode, and thus not drop the load if the

inverter does not have sufficient batteries to operate. Next, the GMX Power Supply switches

to standby mode for a pre-programmed period. Successful completion of a test sequence

means that the GMX Power Supply operated normally in standby mode, the battery voltage

didn’t drop below a preset threshold and the output was stable throughout the test. Failure of

a test is indicated by a Self-test Fail alarm, which can be cleared by subsequently running a

successful test for at least one minute.
Test Control: A manual test may be initiated (or a running test may be halted) at any time

by pressing ENTER and DOWN simultaneously or by changing the Self-test switch via the

front panel interface or status communications. A self-test may also be started via the status

monitoring card.
To prevent an automatic test that is scheduled to occur in the next week, issue a Test Inhibit

command. This command is useful if periodic maintenance is scheduled to occur on the

power supply near the time that the next automatic test is to start. This control feature may

also be used when inclement weather is expected that may cause a utility failure. The Test

Inhibit command only affects an automatic test scheduled to run in the next seven days.

Multiple issues of the Test Inhibit command will result in the deferral of the next automatic test

until at least seven days after the last request. This command has no effect if an automatic

test is not scheduled to take place in the next week. Starting a test manually overrides the

Test Inhibit command.
The automatic test feature is on by default, but may be turned off. To turn auto-test off,

change Test Interval to 0 days in the Setup Menu. Auto-test may be enabled at any time by

changing the test interval to any nonzero value. The default test interval is 30 days.
Test Countdown: Informs the operator of a pending automatic test, or allows the operator to

schedule the next automatic test.
Test Duration: Test Duration can be adjusted to meet the customer’s needs. Exercise

caution when increasing the parameter because long self-tests compromise the standby

capability during, and shortly after, the test.
Standby Time and Standby Events: Counters that are not incremented during GMX Power

Supply self-tests.